
Blog like it’s 2021

Welcome! It’s Chris with ExiaHost and I just want to thank you for checking out our brand new blog! We’ve got a lot to look forward to in 2021 and beyond, and we’re so happy that you’re here with us on this journey. While we are working out the kinks, let’s have a quick preview of what we’re looking at rolling out.

Coffee Mug
Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

New Beginnings

For starters, this new blog! It’s something I’ve been wanting to add for quite awhile now and I finally got around to building this out. Blogging can be a great way to reach your audience and provide information, tutorials, or just share your thoughts. We plan on using this for hosting news and tutorials for now, but we’ll see if we can expand that in the future. The tutorials we write will also go in our Knowledgebase as well, so you’ll be able to find them wherever you need them.

We’re also rolling out a new design for our site. This blog should give a bit of a hint as to what it will look like. I really think it turned out great and we’d love to hear your feedback!

Product Development

With this, we also have some new products in the works. I don’t want to give away all of our plans, but one of the big items we want to focus on after the redesign are VPS plans. We plan on offering both managed and unmanaged plans, but we’re still ironing out all of the details. Expect to see a new post here once these are live!

I know I mentioned it earlier, but I really do want to thank all of you that have stuck it out with us this far. We’re still a fairly small hosting provider, but we make up for it with our experienced support, friendliness, and drive to satisfy our customers. Our goal at ExiaHost is to ensure that each customer feels like they get the hosting experience they deserve. We’ll work with you every step of the way. Whether it’s a domain registration, account transfer, support question, or even a fully custom solution, you can count on us to be there for you.

That’s all for now! Be sure to check back for future posts to stay up to date on our services!